Advanced Wound Care

Antibact Cover

5 pcs

  • Antibacterial
  • 100 % waterproof
  • Accelerates healing
  • Reduces risk of scarring
  • Breathable

Antibact Cover is a 100 % waterproof wound dressing with an antibacterial agent in the compress to reduce the risk of infection. This ultra-thin and breathable plaster accelerates the wound healing process and reduces the risk of developing scars. It protects te wound from water and dirt, and fits securely as it has adhesive on all sides.

Product content

5 pieces: 76mm x 54mm

This packaging includes 5 large plasters.
The packaging is composed of 77 % bio-based polyethylene plastic which is made from sugar cane, a renewable and recyclable resource. Plastics made from sugar cane help to reduce the CO2 emissions.

REF: 658226

When to use

Antibact Cover can be used for most types of minor wounds and suits especially well for surgical wounds and skin cuts – that can cause scarring. Since the plaster is completely waterproof and fits securely on the skin it can handle the toughest challenges such as playing outdoors, training, showering and swimming.

How to use

  1. Clean the wound and the surrounding skin and make sure it is dry.
  2. Make sure the wound is not infected.
  3. Put on the wound dressing.
  4. Change to a new plaster and clean the wound every day to make sure that the wound is healing properly and is not infected. Also change plaster if it gets dirty or wets through.

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